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Another one already!  Definitely don't hear me complaining though, this should be fun.  ^. .^  I took out the next Snakeskin redux because that one won recently and added a different one in this time.

The story descriptions are:

Immigration or Naturalization - Someone attempting to get into a city that is exclusively for dragonfolk transforms into one by a shady organization that takes an interest in him getting into the city.

Adrenaline Rush - A series about car racing where a special device inside turns the winners into ravenous doms and the losers into their submissive bottoms.  Sort of like an early version of Nexus Wars

I Took One Wrong Turn - A man gets enthralled by a stripper named Koga and also finds out that he's a werewolf.

Buying the Farm - A story involving modified c-snakes that start taking over a town and one woman's attempt to stop it with a rubber dragon friend.

Joining the Pack - The continuation of Blue and Silver as rubber pups under the dominion of the Houndmaster

Next chapter unlock at $1650


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