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Here it is, the first big update to the main plot of Rain and Shine as you and Don attempt to go to the research district in order to find parts for his radio.  Unfortunately due to some real life stuff I didn't get nearly as far as I wanted to, I wanted to have all three intros finished with their bad ends, and though nearly four-hundred lines of code were written the experience isn't quite done.  The subway got the most treatment so far but in all honesty if you want to get the full experience I would wait until next month, but if you want to try a few things out feel free to search around, there were also a number of bugs that got squashed and a few minor expansions of dialogue for the current survivors.

Hopefully with the money that comes in next month I can get another sprite or two, though at the moment we're trying to pay off old debt in preparation for June after getting double kicked by quarterly taxes for three months.  There's still a lot of content that needs to be written anyway so plenty to do.



Rain and Shine


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