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Alright, so with Rain and Shine having to move away from the spotlight of my twitch streams due to being too lewds I wanted to make sure to keep an update on what is happening with the rubber transformation game.

For the game itself the plan starting in April is going to be a simple, straight-forward one; finish the main plot.  Before I thought that I would try and flesh the other parts out completely before doing so, but with the ideas in mind for companion and random quests being... rather extensive I decided that I wanted to do first things first and finish the main quest line in the game before I continue on with everything else.  It will also allow me to set up for the areas that are the framework for the game, right now the only ones are the the Park and Mall with the Research district on the way.  I also need to get the Bay, Downtown, and the Tower up and going as well, which will be done through the progression of the main plotline.  This is going to be the same for the corrupted side of things as well, there is a similar goal at the end I have in mind for that side so getting it done would allow me to make sure I have all the set pieces for side quests.

This month the updates are a little more spread out between adding details to survivor characters, fixing mistakes found, and general updates to the Shelter, but for April the idea is setting up and getting through the Radio mission in Research, May is Boat in the Bay, and so on.  I'm not sure if I'll switch from Survivor to Corrupter but we'll see once we finish with April's tasks.  So expect large content updates when it comes to the next few months as well as opportunities for main character companion cameos, which is mainly for our Sapphire ($10), Emerald ($25), and Diamond ($100) sabrewolves.

As for reporting on the game I'm also going to be starting a private livestream twice a week on Rain and Shine and any other potential projects that can be talked about that will be through this patreon.  The first one will be for Amethyst ($5) sabrewolves and up and be more of a general livestream while the second one will be just for Sapphire and up and focus more on Rain and Shine and any future projects.  These streams are not going to be on Twitch and will be completely for Patreon only.

So that's the update, with this idea in mind Rain and Shine's main story lines should be done by the end of the year and you can finally find what caused the Shining Rains to happen to the island of Kajira.


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