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Well this one isn't so much an end of month report as much as it is a beginning  of the month report.  There was a bit that I did during Feb. while I was on vacation, mostly the creation of a proper website and storefront, but other than that I pretty much did vacation stuff in order to be on vacation.  Now after a month of rest it's time to get back to it.

So what's going on for March?  We still have a couple hundred thousand in backlog when it comes to larger projects that need to be done, so the majority of work when it comes to my streaming is going to be writing.  I've set my streaming schedule for 1pm to 7-8pm so that I can do things in the morning such as exercise, ship goods for my storefront, work on Rain and Shine, and so on.  Mon-Wed-Fri will be writing during stream and Tues-Thurs will be dedicating gaming stream.  Saturdays and Sundays will be more up in the air and comprise of Late Night Drinks, Shadowrun, and YouTube videos.

I have a few books that need to be published as well through the storefront, which actually works and will be where I do most of my business, and with the added time in the morning I can also do things like try and prep the candle scents that are being voted on.  Still need to think of a proper label or something but I'm sure I'll get there and such.

Anyway I'll be getting the patreon exclusive story poll up here soon, and as the votes happen on the candles I'll be deleting them so there aren't just twelve polls mucking things up.


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