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November was definitely a bit of an up and down month; there was a bit of experimentation with new possible formatting styles and a number of stories that got done.  This was also the month that I moved down to my new office space in the basement of our residence, which is coming along nicely.  On the other side we also found out that we would not be able to get a new den for quite some time and that a number of physical ailments prevented me from writing as much as I wanted and to get everything done for the month that was planned.

That's really it for the summary of the month, I wish I could say more happened but with a lot of things currently in transition there isn't a whole lot to really talk about.  As we roll into the end of the year we're going to have another Rain and Shine update, which will be the start of the monthly update schedules for the game as we roll into 2021.  My batch writing commission days are also officially over at this point; while I will still have words coming in from my highest tier and will occasionally open a few slots the official move from mostly writing is beginning.  There will still be plenty of content to read here, don't worry, but also expect to see additional rewards coming in that will be twitch/YouTube related as well.

For Rain and Shine the expected update is going to introduce two major scenes in the corrupted side of the game and for the survivor side the Park (section 1) is going to get tightened up until I believe that I can move onto the Mall which has already been introduced (section 2).  Starting in 2021 a major push is going to be going into this game and though it's a lofty goal I would like to get the content part (non-art) finished by the end of the next year.  There are a few other things that I would like to get done as well, but at the moment that is the big one.

The last thing is that I'm going to be once more limiting the number of $100 tiers that will be offered in this patreon; at the moment there are eight and eventually that is going to go back down to five.  Those currently in those slots can stay in there for as long as they like still, but once someone leaves the slot will disappear until it goes back down towards five in an effort to better manage the flow of words coming in.  I'm hopeful that the three hundred lost in this manner will be made up in the coming year and then some, but that will remain to be seen.

That will about do it for this update, there will still be the patreon-exclusive being posted before November is officially over and then on Friday we'll go through the usual start of month routine of awarding words and such. 


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