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You decide that you can use your newfound powers to attempt to talk to these imps instead of fighting with them, and though Nyte isn't too sure about this prospect he takes your lead anyway as you approach.  The imps are short, stocky creatures with bright red leathery skin and small wings as well as other demonic features.  They probably come up to your waist and when you get to where you can see them in the fire they are also rather muscular and well-endowed as well.  Lewd thoughts cross your mind as you look at them but they are cleared the second that they notice you and immediately start to ready themselves to attack.

With the magic from the arcane tome burning in your mind you tell them that you mean no harm and that you wish to talk.  Though most of them continue to buzz about the largest of them tells the others to stop before approaching.  "It appears you have some knowledge of the infernal dragonborn," the imp said as a small grin plays on his face.  "Tell us, why do you wish to go deeper into such an accursed place?"

Nyte looks up at you and you realize that he can't understand what's being said, so you give him a rough translation.  "Tell them that we are just here for the treasure," the catfolk states to you so you can translate it back to the imps.  "As long as we can get that we'll leave everything else here alone."

"That's a lot of talk for those wielding blessed weapons," the leader imp replied, gesturing to the tokens that are on your belts.  "But I'll tell you what, if you leave those accursed things here and give us something we'll not only let you cross but we won't even sound the alarm."  When you ask what it is that you need to give them the smirk on the imps face grows even wider.  "All you have to do is tell us what you desire... so what is it that motivates you?"


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