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Well it's certainly been a crazy month with everything going on and such, and that includes stuff with the patreon and Smilodon Studio!  So let's get into the goings-on for the month and what's coming next!

There has been fantastic growth with the patreon for this month!  It has completely erased the losses over the last few months and we're on track to start growing again, which is fantastic considering all the investments that are being made.  With all things considered this is absolutely great and hopefully a sign of even greater times to come.

The biggest update is what's happening on the gaming side of things; Rain and Shine has gotten a lot of shiny new art assets in the form of sprites and I've started doing the CYOA.  The Visual Novel game is finally going to be getting the visual part of things as well as sound effects and placeholders for backgrounds.  The content update for this month was a bit all over the place but the focus was on upgrading the survivor side with new NPC quests and other things like that.  For the CYOA side of things it appears that the new modules are a smashing success and with the fact that the modules are easy to produce we can go with the updated schedule so that there will be quite a few more that will be produced in the coming months to add on the adventure.

The quest to getting the backlog done has been going well.  There are only three stories left in the overdue pile and one of them is close to finished, which means that there is a light at the end of that tunnel.  I also have a few pateron commissions to do but those will be getting worked on in May in order to make sure that I'm fulfilling that commitment.  As far as editing that has been once more put to the backburner for April, but that will be changing soon as well.  Hopefully a lot of the trello will get drained this month and we can get close to that clean slate.

On the Twitch and YouTube side of things there's not too much to report.  The new schedule that I'm putting up for myself seems to be working quite well and when it comes to the month of May I'll be trying to stick to it a little better.  Obviously with everything going on it's been a little harder then normal to stick with it but been trying to keep things in check.  The other thing is that with MCFC postponed I haven't been out and about too much, and with no end in sight to the cancellations I haven't put a lot of stock in finishing up books and such.  

For May and beyond we have a bunch of things that are coming up, the main thing being that there will be a lot more writing that is happening in order to make sure that queue is close to done as possible.  The other major thing is Rain and Shine, with the addition of sprites and such May and June will be integrating all of that into the game as well as squashing spelling errors and bugs in the system.  It's going to be looking like a completely different game once the next update comes in so it's going to be really nice!  Finally we're going to be seeing more integration of the CYOA so that in the off-month of Rain and Shine update there will be something to keep up with and will have a few polls to keep everyone interested.  :P

The secondary thing that will be looked into is a series of YouTube videos that I want to start making, mostly fursuiting vids and such explaining things like writing and whatnot.  While this is not my top priority at the moment I want to start getting things in order for continuing to break into this new medium.  At the very least to see if this is something even feasible or if I should be focusing my efforts elsewhere.  Twitch will probably not see much in the way of upgrading, just too much going on elsewhere except maybe some additional emotes and such.

Well that's about it, here's hoping to a very productive May!  Thank you to my patreons once again for supporting this dream of mine and letting me share that with all of you.


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