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I just want to make sure to share that if you have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and are tight on funds, please do not think that you have to endanger your finances any further by continuing to make a patreon pledge here.  My mate is able to work at home and I will be just fine as is, but I want to make sure that you will all be fine out there and know that I definitely will be understand if you have to leave in order to keep yourselves afloat.  Know that no matter what I'll still be here creating content for you guys in order to not only entertain but help alleviate the isolation, and I'll look forward to having you back once this has all passed.

Please keep yourselves safe, practice social isolation, and hopefully before long this whole thing will just be a distant memory.  Take care everyone.  ^. .^


Founder/Owner of Smilodon Studio


Giza White Mage

Glad to hear you're doing well!