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Decided to throw these two in together since I'm going to be pretty busy from now until the convention, and then the actual convention.  Starting off with Hell Week it went pretty well, faded a bit down the stretch but managed to get two book-length stories done and a couple of short stories finished.  I still have one I'm going to be finishing up here and then after the con will start posting up chapters.  One of the books in particular is a wonderful romp through a classic fantasy world that reminds me a lot of Dragon by Day, so if you enjoyed that story you'll like this one.  I also will be bringing my laptop with me to the convention so hoping to get one or two more stories done while I attempt to sell things.

Speaking of cons it's FurReality coming up, so if you're there I hope to see you!  I have a few panels that I'm running but otherwise it's mostly me just going there to sell stuff and hang out.  Depending on how things shake out I might also try to get some addition things finished, but we'll have to see how it goes.  Don't want to be too much of a workaholic so will hopefully peer out of my room at some point when not in Dealer's.  :P  Also my mate will not be joining me so this will be the first time I'm running a Dealer's Den solo, hoping to sell some stuff and point people this way into patreon!

Transitioning nicely once again this month was certainly bittersweet.  I managed to update the reward tiers a bit, put out the first patreon exclusive in a while, and just generally have a good time.  As I'm sure you can see however we had some fairly heavy hits that came around the end of the month; some of them I know are coming back later but it's never fun to take a loss.  This combined with the fact that my mate is probably not going to be getting any overtime from her work means that I'm just going to have to be more creative with how I budget things, especially with the holidays coming.  I know another part is that I still don't have graphical assets to flash around for Rain and Shine, and the more that I'm waiting for things the more I'm thinking those transitional/bad end arts that I want to get are starting to look more feasible as passive advertisement.

So looking forward the main focus on all fronts is going to be two things, books and Rain and Shine.  At this point I have ten that are stacked up ready to go, but due to conflicts with my past editor there's been a real log jam that I've been wanting to get moving.  Still, books means book covers which means more money, so I might be shifting things around in order to try and maximize things.  I almost wish I wasn't going to FurReality so I could get more assets, but at the same time it's there that I get more people and things like that.

I usually don't like being so dourer about my fiances, so to end on a higher note this October officially marked the two year anniversary of this patreon and I have to say I definitely didn't think I was going to be where I am.  When I started this I had about $275 with 25 patreons, and I thought that in the next year when it was up to $650 with 72 patreons I was incredibly impressed.  Now we're going to close out with a little under $1200 with 122 patreons, and that is with all the difficulties I've had in the last year.  It makes me excited to think about what those numbers might be next year, but I know I have to worker even harder then the last two to do it!

That's about it, I'm going to try my hardest to get Rain and Shine's October update out by Wednesday and then start setting up the post schedule so you get a new chapter of the two books every day.  Take care everyone!



Glad to hear that overall this is a positive, but I do feel ya on some of the Patreon losses. Still, you have my continued support and keep on going! ^_^