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So I need some volunteers for the first part of the Rain and Shine, so go ahead and toss down a reference.  In the case of multiple people I'll decide via random number generator.  Remember that if you will only get a single character in once.  To apply just put down the name of the character and a ref sheet for the sprite to represent you.

The NPC is the custom's agent seen at the beginning of the game.



Ohh sounds good but I might hold off on putting one down


How do you want us to put down for this?


i don't have a ref sheet, but i do have pieces if those work


Name: Axe Ref: http://d.facdn.net/art/anufish/1559963336/1559963336.anufish_photo_2019-06-07_23-05-36.jpg


ya know, sure. why not :) Name: Procene Ref: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/98dwzdjiolnyf37/AAABZQXqzEIpL8KXzmSbbagCa?dl=0


Ok sure! I'm a little nervous abt it but I hope its enough https://www.dropbox.com/s/l5h7108sgfy6ow4/20190715_234757.jpg?dl=0


Thanks to the random number generator you get to be the customs agent for the game and greet everyone making their character!


Oh wow really? Awesome!! I love greeting people a lot actually! (oh and btw though I didn't feature it in the ref its completely ok if they wear clothes for the setting they're in)