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If you are reading this, I just want to say thanks for all the support so far coming into what will soon be the second anniversary of my patreon being here (Oct).  I keep looking at that number and wondering wow, what an honor to be able to see that you guys enjoy my work so much that you want me to keep going at this on a full-time basis.  To be honest I thought after a year I might have to start looking for jobs again but you guys help keep me from focusing my full attention on the books, games, comics and other stuff that you guys love :D.  Ever since the bot-pocolypse (when I finally got CUF and could monitor my pledge growth without scrapers every month putting in false pledges) there's only been one month of slight decline and more than four months of triple digit growth.  If this keeps up I can only think of what we'll be doing here for our third anniversary, especially when we get my website cleaned up and working properly once the queue is done.

That's it, just wanted to say thanks, hopefully it's the sign of more good things to come!



Grats to you on this one! :) You're worth every penny, and in all seriousness from a non-monetary perspective, you've been a pleasure to work with, as a friend, and other things. You deserve all the praise and money you get for this.