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So last month we broke $1k in patreon, and this month we're at triple digit supporters!  Honestly when I started this thing I thought that maybe I would get like a hundred or so here and there and you all blew that goal right out of the water.  As a result starting today there is going to be a story every day (mon-fri) until the end of the month as my thanks for getting this patreon to the point it is!

So where do we go next, you may ask?  Well, I have an idea, one that's going to make ya'll think 'Serathin, you crazy!'.  And perhaps I am, but what I've seen here over the last few years has emboldened me to put this down as what I want to see.

Ultimately, I want to put another zero at the end of both those totals.

Already I can tell some of you think I've gone mad, and maybe I have, but after blowing away my expectations I decided to set the bar just a little higher.  :P  Will we ever reach it?  Maybe, maybe not, but nothing I can do but try and see what happens.  Of course if that does ever happen expect to see some serious insanity, since that sort of money would get:

3-4 comics

50 book covers, backgrounds, or sprite groups

The entire art requirement for phase 1 of Rain and Shine

Fund an entire board/card game from concept to production

Or any number of things...

...every month.

That would make me a busy sabrewolf!  :D  So spread the word, corrupt your friends, and let's keep growing until we look at the total and go O. .o!



Utter madness. Why not just shoot for 2k a month?


Well the next goal is 1500, then 2500, so on so forth. This isn't my NEXT goal, this is more like my end goal (or at least, where I'm reaching for) Plus you know how the saying goes 'if you shoot for the moon and miss you'll still be among the stars.' Plus I lived my entire life with people telling me what's 'reasonable' and if I had listened to them I would still be stuck in a job I hated and not doing this. Utter madness? Maybe. Impossible? Hell no. I'm the shaper of my destiny and if I think I can do it then by all that is good I'm going to at least try. ;)