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Well it's the end of the month, February always feels like a short one and this year was no exception.  It feels even shorter with FurSquared on the docket taking up a week and that was hard to make things up workwise.  But let's explain everything as it is, and get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?

Let's start with FurSquared.  As usual it was always a heck of a time and I couldn't have been happier to be a part of it.  Not only did the convention raise $32000 in charity money but all the panels that I ran were quite successful.  Cupcake roulette was by far the best, not only was it a standing room only crowd but we raced $361 dollars ourselves.  I had a lot of fun talking with people and we also sold a decent amount in the Dealer's Den, including selling out of Ferret's Five!  I had a blast as usual and can't wait for next year already.

The unfortunate of having such an involved convention meant that there was only three weeks to get everything done, and some of that time was used to finish Ferret's Five.  We still have a lot of commission work left to do and this month was not a time to catch up on stuff.  There are still a few days left in February but those will be geared exclusively towards finishing up Rain and Shine, plus tomorrow I have some serious adulting to do.  Overall this was a very high exposure and low productivity month, but this was something that I knew going into the fray.

Now onto March.  I will not have another convention or anything like that until August, which means that the hammer is definitely going to be dropped on the remaining queue.  This March is going to have the focus on two major things, commissions and Rain and Shine.  I want to get that queue down for the former; I just got done with the really really late stuff and now we're going to work on the really late stuff.  By the end of this month I want the really late stuff done and onto the late stuff, which while there is a bit I definitely don't think it's impossible and if we can get to the last blast list I might even take a commission or two by April or May.

For Rain and Shine I'm going to get the Studio part finished and then for March I'll be doing the Casino section.  Starting in April we're going for the major update; the headquarters.  One of the reasons I want commissions finished up or close to it by April is to get the breathing room so that a huge thing like this can be accomplished.  Now since is also going to likely be a multi-month update we're going to try and supplement the updates with artwork and sprites to finally update this game to the next level.  

That is unfortunately all I can say for what is happening to Smilodon Studio at the moment and the reason is that I need to do my taxes.  If we get slapped then we're going to have some ideas that will use the funds that we'll be getting from this patreon... but if we come out alright on the other side then we have some very interesting things to continue to elevate this to the next level.  Some of it will be behind the scenes, equipment and stuff like that, but there will be quite an investment in art assets as well.  We'll find out soon which path we have to go down, but once more I thank all of you for giving us the means to keep building on things with the funds gathered here.

Expect great things coming by the summer!


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