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Well this was certainly a productive month to be sure!  Got the CYOA story up as the replacement for Planetary Adaptation and an exclusive story or two as well a number of WIP's that likely won't see FA or SF for a bit as I continue to work down my commission list.  To all those that are my new patreons I want to say welcome as well and thank you for choosing to support me in my endeavors.  ^. .^

Some last minute things before the month comes to a close, mostly on what's coming up for April and such.  For March the Rain and Shine text adventure is coming along fairly smoothly and barring anything super bad I should have that done and uploaded by Friday, possibly Thursday if I get super motivated.  Right now there's going to be three different HQ's that you can get and will be starting the programming on your base of operations.  There will be more options next update but right now I'm also going to go through the first part of the game in an attempt to fix it up and see if I can't find any hidden bugs to squash as well.

Now onto April!  I will be dealing at MCFC so I hope to see you there, I will also be doing a number of panels and having a general good old time there.  I'm hoping that we can beat the sales of FurSquared and if we can that would be a huge help!  I also will be at NERO the week after and then the next weekend I have to do something with my family, so it's going to be very busy for me but I'm going to continue to do everything I can to meet and improve on the goals set for this patreon.  Due to the queue on my commission list I will also not be opening for commissions this month, save for a few platinum tiers to help keep things afloat coming out of March and heading into April and May.

There are plans in the works to do more things such as videos, comics, and card games, but at the moment we have to push them back a bit to get the financial household under control.  Due to a garnishment on my mate's checks from a nearly ten year old debt I've been having to put commission and patreon money towards keeping the household stable, so you guys have been quite the lifesavers when it came to that.  There is also two other debts we have to resolve before August, so you can imagine money is a bit tight in the Sabertooth household at the moment.  Even Void Protocol is on hold at the moment until we can get things put together a bit better.  The silver lining however is that as the year goes on those debts will be resolved, my mate will hopefully get paid more at her job on top of that, and I can continue to grow this patreon until we reach the second goal and beyond.

So that's about it for March and such updates!  Remember you still have about five days to get in your referrals and that Rain and Shine will be updated soon for you higher tiers, and also will likely try to get one more stream in before the month is out.  Also don't forget to vote for the next path of the CYOA!  Take care everyone!



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