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Heyas all,

Thought I would give you the low-down on my plans for the rest of 2017 while I finish up my lunch.  So starting on Friday I'm going to be shutting down the word factory for pretty much the rest of the year, mainly do to the holidays and the fact that my mate doesn't have work and I'd like to spend some time with her for that.  We also have Christmas with both our families and a New Year's Celebration with friends down in Chicago.  So instead of trying to squeeze in the writing where I can I'm going to be taking that time instead to update a lot of things that needs to be done.  I have to get all my books on Lulu in order to order them for selling, get my comics ready and shipped out for the same, and update my FA and SF accounts finally.  I also need to start working on my website, something that has been dormant for far too long in order to prepare for the fact that I now have an official LLC.  If you are a part of my patreon you're going to see a lot of stuff that I haven't really uploaded there yet will be updated as well, as well as creating a number of various streams in order to make sure that you guys are getting your money's worth.

Also for patreon when it comes to January I'm going to stagger the two CYOA updates, where Rain and Shine will be uploaded on the second Monday of the month while Planetary Adaptation will be on the fourth Monday of each month.  January we're also going to see if I can't get more exclusives out there instead of just the WIP's, that way you guys have access to even more stuff.  I have a few ideas for shorter stories that I'm going to do, so that should be fun I think.  Also with January's patreon money I might get a video camera so I can start doing videos for you guys as well.

As far as uploads go they will also cease after this week and not resume again until Jan. 8th, save for one that was a patreon exclusive and another that is Christmas themed.  This will not only because of the holidays but also for the week after New Year's for me to get some new content up and ready to go.  That being said January is also going to be the time where my mate has mandatory overtime for her workplace, which is somewhat a double-edged sword as far as writing is concerned.  On one hand I will have to make sure that she is taken care of for this month, dinner, cleaning, etc. because she will be exhausted.  On the other hand that also means she will likely spend most of her time either resting or asleep, which gives me all the more time to write in January.  With my old queue winding down and my new queue filled to the brim I'm sure I will have plenty to work on in the meantime.  It will be unlikely that commissions will open in January save for a special promotion that'll finally introduce the bronze sale tier.  Speaking of such...

This part is always the hardest to do, which is likely the reason I saved it to the end, but starting in 2018 I'll be raising my commission rates.  I have kept them very low for many years but now as the quality and efficiency of my process continues to improve I have to start charging as such.  So starting in 2018 there will be a $10 increase across the board on my tiers.  So Gold Tier will be $85, Silver Tier will be $60, and Bronze Tier will be $45.  If you are currently on my Last Call list and you haven't paid yet do not worry, everyone on that list is locked in at the 2017 price so when I get to you it will still be valid.  Hopefully the increased revenue will help me fund things like cover art for books, passion projects, and maybe even a personal commission or two.

There is actually one last thing.  On Feb. 1st I will be doing what will likely be my only or possibly one of two charity YCH for the year.  It will be two stories with five slots each, and the theme is pen in paper games in honor of the con whose charity this money will go to.  One will be a traditional fantasy D&D adventure with each slot being a typical party class (fighter, rogue, mage, etc) and the other is a Shadowrun inspired sci-fi/fantasy theme with roles from that (technomancer, mage, face, street samurai, etc).  So I hope you all look forward to that, I know I will be.  The starting length will be 25k and extra incentives will be added for increased bids.

That's all, looking forward to seeing you all in 2018!




Oh i am so going for that technomancer slot


I am honestly excited about these YCH's. ^. .^ After how well The Search for Ka'Le went I think this will be a lot of fun!


Yeah i liked how it was turning out in that stream.