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Here's the penultimate version of Knave! Let me know what you think (especially if you see any glaring errors or typos I've missed). After this round of feedback I'll be putting the final version up on DrivethruRPG.


Knave v0.5.pdf



i've been inactive on the discord, so apologies if this has already been covered. Is it intentional that PCs can attack twice on their turn? This is unusual for OSR, and I'm also leery of prohibiting "attack + stunt" (assuming no tactical advantage) but not "attack + attack". It reminds me of the excessively sticky combat of 3.5, where characters were incentivised to never move so as to get their iterative attacks. Fantastic set of spells though. Snail Knight is a lovely medieval touch. edit: the switch to random equipment generation is also excellent. This is something I loved about Maze Rats, and it was strange that Knave (up to 0.3 at least) didn't have this.


Thanks for catching that. Only one attack or one stunt is permitted per turn. I'll fix that.


This looks great! I have a couple of suggestions though. 1. Would you consider renaming saving throws to something else, like 'tests? Using the terminology of saving throws for things that are not saving throws in a traditional sense is a bit confusing. 2. I would suggest adding a guideline re how many (if any) spellboooks a first level PC should start with.


I came here to say this game looks like a blast and I can't wait for the full release! One typo I found, first page under "Abilities are King":


"The way that ability scores and bonuses work has also be cleaned up," Should be "been", unless my PDF reader just isn't showing it right.


Saves is the term that makes the most sense to me, but of course you can call it whatever you want. If your players really want to start with a random spell book, I'd give them one (maybe in place of rolling for armor).


It looks like chicken is listed twice under animals in the item costs section


Looks great, though perhaps the 'Designer's Notes' could be placed in boxes, formatted differently from the other text such as the Examples, or added to the end of the main rules? It's really helpful to know why each rule was written the way it was, but in my view the current format detracts from the overall 'look and feel' of a compact set of 'pick up and play' rules. For example, it's helpful to know why the six abilities were designed the way they were, but after reading the Note once I probably won't refer to it again. On the other hand, the description of the abilities is something that is likely to be referred to often. Just a thought!


Gave it a closer read, found a few possible bugs, omissions, and typos. Mechanical Issues: pg 1. Character Creation, 3: Combat speed in BX/LL, S&W, & I assume most other OSR games is 40 ft (not 30 ft) for unencumbered characters. pg 2. Starting Gear: 2 items from each gear table, 2 weapons, 3 rations, and 10 coins, is at minimum 12 slots. This can lead to player confusion as characters start out with more gear than they can carry, let alone leaving space for loot. Two ways to resolve this: * only start with 1 item from each gear table * Be explicit that characters have a safe haven somewhere in the world where they can stash gear they don't want to bring on a given crawl. pg 5. Monsters: could use a note saying that AD&D 2e monsters list Morale on a 2d10 scale. pg 5. Advancement: Needs a reminder that the maximum ability bonus is +10. Also I assume the "naturalistic" method is meant to read "raising that ability if the roll is *greater than* the ability's defense". Typoes: pg 6. Level formulae use lowercase x instead of multiplication symbol ×. pg 6. Adhere spell: missing a word between "covered extremely" pg 6. Elemental Wall spell: this is the only spell with a space in its "Lx 30'" formula.


Thanks Questing Beast!


Page 7, spell 90: should say 'statue the size'


This is great! Only concerns are: 1. I wasn't immediately aware that you weren't supposed to add up the 3d6 you roll for stats. 2. There's seemingly no way to cast spells right out of character creation... That would be something I would hack in when I eventually run this. 3. I would want a version without the designer notes both to give to players who don't care about game design and for my own quick reference. Not against their existence, but I could see them getting in the way. 4. A character sheet, or a sample character, would give a quick feel for what's going on.


I asked this on the discord, but I fear it might get lost between conversation: I was wondering what your view is on the topic of HP. In the document you roll 1d8 for max hp and 1d8+con for healing rate. While max hp will go up every level, I think, the healing rate is static and stays the same (that's how interpret it, at least). For me it would make more sense to roll 2d8, have the higher one be the max HP and add con bonus with the lower dice. It does change lethality a lot for 1st level (as the chances of 1 HP knaves will be lower), but in most cases the healing rate won't exceed the max hp. Basically, I would like the healing rate to be lesser than the max hp, but I was wondering what your vision on this is.


The defense scores are confusing for new players. I think running with the modifiers only and no derived statistics is much cleaner. See ICRPG for a clean way of doing this. In the combat section for example you have 'defense scores' being used to attack, which is very confusing. I think the armor score should start at 10 or 11 (unarmored) and then you simply add +1, +2, etc. for the type of armor you have. Players just need to know to add their modifier and ask the DM if they hit the creature or not, and the DM just needs to roll higher than the characters armor score to hit them. Spells, etc, can continue to use the saving throw mechanic you have already in the game. Also, I LOVE the idea of rolling for modifiers directly. I have been toying with this as well. Your lowest of 3D6 still results in very high scores occasionally though. Which I think is not a positive for the game. Choosing the lowest of 3D6 still gives you a +3 modifier 17% of the time and a +4 almost 9% of the time. This is very high for 1st level OSR characters. What about this mechanic? <a href="https://anydice.com/program/10d97" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://anydice.com/program/10d97</a>


That has you taking the 2nd lowest dice of 4D6 and subtracting 2. Which results in maybe a more OSR-like distribution of 1st level modifiers?


Looks like a lot of fun! I have been playing Maze Rats so I am excited to try this out. Do you plan on including a character sheet in the final version? Also what about a booklet printing - I really enjoyed that for MR. Thanks!


Really eager to run this, some comments: as people said,there is no way to gain spells at character creation, would like to have at least one, for the player that didnt get armor or good weapon or something, would like "designer notes" in a separate box, 3d6 taking the lowest seems good, but kinda bothersome and weird at first look, maybe only changing the language, how would you go into making mechanical differences to make races? Mostly, to simulate stuff like infravision, a exp penalty? A stat penalty? Maybe rolling 3d4 in a attribute?


One change I would like to see: remove the “choose a gender” bit from the end of the character creation. Agender and nonbinary folx might find it exclusionary, and everyone else will probably intuit its necessity anyways.


Having a lot of fun making Knaves! One thing I noticed: Between 3 days of rations (3 Slots) 6 random gear rolls (6 slots) and a slot for coins (1 slot), a starting Knave is already out 10 slots not including rolling armor or choosing weapons. Is this as intended? If so, maybe adding a note about rolling for equipment up to twice on each table, as long as you have slots left would be helpful.