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It's been expanded, reformatted, and clarified to make its goals and unique features easier to grok. Thanks to everyone who gave feedback over on the Discord channel! I'm continuing to playtest it twice a week, so expect further evolution down the line. Feel free to discuss it or send me any feedback on the Discord channel: https://discord.gg/7rWsrU3




Obviously spellbooks aren't available to buy/sell within the game fiction, and I like the feel of "you want to learn magic? Well go shank a cultist and steal his spells". But for the sake of rolling a 1st level magic-user for a one-shot that expect a "normal" party composition, what do you think is a fair price for a spellbook? 50 copper? edit: in hindsight, 50 is way too low given max starting copper is 180. had a brainfart earlier


The layout is nice and clean, but I hate that header text. Some of the letters are hard to make out, which sucks when you want to find something at a glance. Rests? Vests? Tests?


Very cool! Would love to see some more explicit guidelines for converting classic monsters in a later version.


I would say something like 100 coins if you're going to let them have one at the beginning, but that's just me. I would prefer a PC's first spell book to be something they found, so they feel like they earned it. Having them buy it at the beginning might give players the wrong idea about the system.


Beyond the guidelines that are already included? What sort of guidelines are you thinking of?


How do you adjudicate Pc's death ? 0 hp ? Con save vs X or die ? Timer à la Icrpg + first aid test? Otherwise, great system, succint and elegant. Nice magic system (spells = physical slots) .I will playtest it.


I like it! It's pretty smooth, I especially like the bonus/defence structure of the ability scores.


Love the slot mechanic for everything including spells ❤️


Excited to read it.


Discord link has expired. :(


I might have missed something, but is there a direct translation for B/X save stats (death/poison; wand; paralysis/petrify; dragon breath; rod/staff/spell) to your defense stats? (Like, a monster description says "save vs dragon breath"--so is that strength defense? A con defense?)


So far like the basic mechanics, and the classless bit. But not the 1 spell per spell book slot idea. That is something I wouldn’t use. I think I can see where you’re coming from on this, but I’d prefer just to make spells hard to come by and limit a book to say 3 or 6 or 12 spells. But, it is something easily house ruled. I *do* like that you’re explaining where your coming from on the design because it makes it easier to see the ‘why’ of things. I might come round to this point of view in the future after I’ve mulled it over for a bit. But its already a pretty neat and simple and clear system.


I'm loving this. As I said in youtube, I am a sucker for this little-rules-light-elegant systems like Maze Rats, WoDu, Black Hack... My problem is, I dig OSR phylosophy and principles, I have a ton of OSR material, but I dont feel like going back to using things like THAC0, weird saving throws... Specially when explaining all that stuff for new players. The only "gripe" I have with Knave is since everything is slot based, Strength seems very powerful. Which is nice; but following the "abilities are king" principle, I'd like to see more stuff in this direction: Like DEX defense as your AC, or CON defense being your raw hit points, I dont know. I understand the idea is to not stray far from OSR, just giving my two cents :)


After watching your YouTube vid on Knave I was so intrigued I decided to become a patron just so I could try it out!


It looks like the discord link has expired