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CL Waterwheel Large + Short wall
Finaly worked on the Waterwheel pack again today.
About the image above, as it's been a while since I've worked on this pack, I decided to first try to create a nice example of how the large Cottage Living waterwheel can be used together with short walls. Just as with the GT waterwheel you can also use normal walls or platforms of course when not using the waterwheel with attached support.

Fixed the GT Waterwheel when placed in fountains
Another thing I worked on today was fixing the GT Waterwheel. When playing a bit with this waterwheel in game I noticed that it wasn't placeable in fountains anymore as the support will go through the bottom of it. The cause of this was probably because some time ago I lowered the support to fit better on the GT waterwheel. As I also use the MOO cheat very often, I sometimes forget to switch it off when testing mods. I think this also happened with the GT waterwheel after I've changed that. Luckely I was able to fix this, so I could work on another thing today too.

Made & Replaced custom thumbnails
Something I still had to do for the supported CL Large Waterwheel, was adding custom thumbnails, so instead of only the support, the waterwheel (vfx) itself would be visible on the thumbnails too. While making these, I noticed I forgot to add the blue-ish background to all other custom waterwheel thumbnails.

With this blue-ish background it's easier to see in build mode, that this object looks best when placed on watersurfaces. I guess I didn't added it in the first place as the waterwheels are placeable on terrain too.
But as the waterwheels all have water splash and ripple vfx attached to them, they look better when placed on water surfaces, so I gave them all the blue-ish background.

Cottage Living Small Waterwheel
As the large waterwheel is finished for now (unless I get new ideas), the next part of the pack I will be working on is the small Cottage Living waterwheel. I will start with making the version with no support placeable on all watersurfaces and immediately at the right height. More updates when I have them!



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