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So here are all the waterwheel vfx (played with the VFX player) seen from a few different angles. The two on the foreground are the waterwheels that can be found in Henford on Bagley and the one in the back is the one that can be found in Windenburg.

Large Waterwheel (CL)
There're a few things that you might notice about these waterwheels.
First of all, the large waterwheel on the left has a strange hole in the middle where the axle should be. When you look at the screenshot from this large waterwheel in the game-world, you will see that it's surrounded by walls. So that's why that part did not need a texture. Now I think this could be fixed using another game object to fill that hole, but so far I haven't found it yet (Though I know what I'm looking for).

Small Waterwheel (CL)
When looking at the waterwheel on the right, you will notice water splashing on top of the waterwheel too. This is because in the game-world, water falls from a gutter down on the waterwheel. I think that part is called a headrace..
As I can't delete parts of the vfx, I need to find another solution to fix this. Maybe you can use my small waterfall to let water drop on top of the waterwheel so the splashing makes sense.
The back of this small waterwheel also shows a hole in the middle as it was placed against a wall. I guess though that people will always place these objects against walls, so maybe I should let it stick to walls automaticaly too, just like paintings.

Waterwheel (GT)
Then there's also the waterwheel in the back that came with the Get Together pack. The thing with this waterwheel, is that it only shows some falling water drops from it's blades and no splashing water or water ripples at the place where it should hit the water underneath it. Best would be if I could find some vfx to add to those part to make it a bit more realistic. So that means a lot of searching through all vfx codes 😅
A big advantage about this waterwheel, is that both sides look the same, no holes!

So a lot of things to think about and I also need to make them into actual objects that can be placed onto water surfaces. As I will be gone the upcoming days until monday there won't be any new updates, but that doesn't mean I won't be thinking about how I can make this pack to  be great. So I'm quite certain I will have some nice sneak peeks or updates next week! :)

