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Hello all,

As I didn't had enough time to finish all 4 water mods already, I decided to share the ones that I think are finished. It could be that there will be some small changes, but nothing big probably. If there will be changes,  I will replace the attachment later on.
(To be clear, no other links have been updated yet, download in this post)

About the two updated mods that both are visible on the screenshot above, both the water stream as the Batuu waterfall can now be found in Pond VFX section and are made placeable on pond water surfaces too.

Working interaction in shallow waters
Something where I'm quite happy about, is that the Batuu Waterfall version that has interactions attached to it (The terrain-only version), can now also be placed on shallow ponds and oceans and will keep being interactable! So in this case 'terrain only' means that Sims must be able to stand in these places. You will notice that they're also placeable on deeper ponds and oceans, but just remember you can't use the interactions and it's better to use the 'Terrain/Water' version without interactions attached to it in those cases.

For a list of all updates/changes, take a look below.

- They can now be found in the Pond VFX section in build mode.
- Object's titles have been updated with an invisible 'Bakie' Search-tag in the title.
• The Water Stream object can now also be found by typing Water, Stream, Flow or Creek into the search bar.
• Both Batuu Waterfall objects can now also be found by typing Batuu, Huge, Water, Waterfall, or Falls into the search bar.
- Object's descriptions have been updated to new format.
- Object Thumbnails have been updated with image and text adjustments.
- Prices have been changed for better placement in the Pond VFX section.

- Placeable on Pond water surfaces.
- Placeable on slopes, which makes it easier to place it above (uneven pond/ocean) floors.
- Batuu Waterfall also placeable now on shallow ocean water surfaces.
• Batuu Waterfall - Terrain Only, is ALSO placeable on ponds & shallow ocean water surfaces, because if you make a shallow puddle of water with the pond tool, you're sims can still use the interactions.


Don't forget that you can download the updated files here in this post. The public post will not contain the updated files, only the video link.

Be sure to delete the old files before starting your game, otherwise the changes might not be visible. You might also need to delete the "localthumbcache.package" in your TS4 folder if the catalog thumbnails stay the same.

Info video about the mods:
Animated - Water Stream
Animated - Batuu Waterfall




This is fantastic news, Bakie! I can't wait to play with these again! 💧💧💧