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Hello all,

Lately a Patron filled in on his or her exit survey, that he/she didn't recieved the rewards he/she was expecting to get.

In one way I can understand this as I don't have sneak peeks right now, as I'm updating older mods. On the other hand, I hoped people would understand this. Now luckely most of you do, but I don't like it when people have complaints without coming to me first.

The thing is,  an exit survey on patreon is anonymous, so this way I can't tell who this person was to contact him or her.
As I feel bad about every single person who is disappointed about how I do things here on Patreon, I want to ask you all, that if you think I'll need to do things different or you feel as you didn't got what was described in my tiers, please send me a personal message instead of leaving a message in the exit survey. Maybe I can explain why I do things the way I do them.

I also feel bad about not being able to give you all these promised sneak peeks, but I think it's useless to give sneak peeks on older mods. This is also why I'm happy the updating is almost done so I can start with new projects. :)

I want to end this post with telling you all how happy I am with the people who do still support me, even though posts have been less the past few months. :)



No concerns from me, either, Bakie. I think some people see Patreon as only getting something for their support not what it actually is: supporting a creator/artist for what they do (like the old Renaissance where people would support artists so they could create their art). Hugs!!! ☺️💕☺️

Marie Duran

Same here, I was also going to say, that I really appreciate you updating your mods instead of letting them go out of date. Your mods make my game playable and I wouldn't enjoy it half as much without them. Thank you!


I do think that's the main 'problem' with this too. I'm glad you think about it the way you do Suzanne. :)