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While updating the lobster- and crab trap I suddenly got a new idea for one of them.
Right now only the lobster trap has an on/off switch which let lobsters to appear inside of the traps. Depending on the swatch you choose, they either are blue or red.

Now for the crab trap I didn't had something like that as there was no animated crab vfx I could use back then (2018). But now there is! With the Island Living EP (2019) there is this vfx of a crab on the beach (for which I still need to make a separate mod too). As some vfx excist of more then one vfx merged into one, I thought, maybe there's one of a animated crab that just stays on the same place all the time. And there is!

So besides the other updates almost all mods get, the crab trap will get an entirely new function to switch a vfx of small little crabs inside of the trap on and off. Besides adding multiple of them, I will also have to rotate them a bit as they will probably will all look into the same direction which looks a bit weird.

I expect to be able to share a sneak peek at how it will look tomorrow.



This sounds really cool!