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Hello everyone,

My next project might be ending in failure as I've got an idea for the mod, but no idea how to execute it yet. It's about the bunny slope in Mt. Komorebi. I think it would be cool if I can make something so you can let your Sims ski, snowboard or sledge down a small hill on your own lot too. But this might be an idea which is not executable for me. Only time will tell!

I've also got a side project (Sims related) for a friend which has to be finished in a week or two and which is more important at the moment (Especially for him and his future life...). That's all I can tell about it right now. But I will share more about it when it's finished (and executed). 

I hope to be able to share more about the bunny slope thingy too. Both if I can succeed as well as if I need to find something new to make when it isn't possible to do.


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