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'Overworked' (sorry for all this text)
First of all, something people who support me already for a longer time have read a few times more, but it's that time again that I'm pushing myself too much to deliver mods each week or every other week. I sometimes need to stop myself from doing that and remind myself that The Sims 4 is just a hobby and not my work.

Despite the fact that I'm not uploading a mod and video each week anymore, I still sometimes have the feeling I push myself to finish things as fast as possible, which gives me an unneeded stress. I need to keep in mind that I'm still allowed to do other things in my life except from modding. That sounds quite stupid, but sometimes I'm not going for a walk to make photos (what I like to do too), because that will delay my mod release.
But especially at moments I'm stuck or something, doing something else would probably make modding 'easier' after because of the new energy/ideas I get from giving some rest to my mind for a bit.

So there  might be a possibility that I'm going to take more time to finish mods, just so I will feel better overall. I think this is better for the mods theirselfs too by the way..

Debug/World Objects
Now some info over what I have been doing the last couple days (On which I've also worked too much/too long at a time). But I finally finished going through all debug and world objects to see what modding ideas I could get out of it. And I think I found quite a lot.

Something I want to start with, is making some Unlocked Objects packs again. Besides only unlocking objects, I will also try to make additional recolors, adjust their footprints if needed and add slots if possible and useable.

In the meantime I will also take a look at the new vfx I found to see if there're some useable effects among them to turn into placeable objects.

I will share more info about what my next project will be, probably tomorrow. :)



Bakie, We choose you as our modder so we need you to take walks, go cloud gazing with your bestie Take Vacations and we cant forget bubble baths...When your stress we need you to eat ice cream out of its tub or go dance in the rain...ahh yes Dont tell anyone Bakie but those 64 box of crayola crayons with a sharpner in the back with a brand new coloring book...Errr ummm not that I know that from experience...Ok ok I do.. I have 2 boxes in my stress drawer...works wonders..Just holding that box can brings back childhood memories of fun and playful tendencies...Its important to have fun in everything we do..Especially if we trapped at home doing them.. Yeah cuz we can do them while wearing our p=jammies or or hehe our undies.. haha


Haha, thank you for your wise words LadyPurples! Totally getting the message. :) I DO need a bubble bath now you're mentioning it, but we only have a shower in our house. So I hope those kind of public places will open up fast (if it's safe in combination with Corona that is) so I can bubble away! As for the crayola crayons, I think I will swap those for a normal pencil or maybe even Photoshop to start learning new things. ;) Anyway, thank you very much for the kind words! It really helps me to read these kind of messages from my followers as they give me new strenght to do all kind of things I love. :)

Alyssa Nagel

Self-care comes first, especially during pandemic times. Take care of you, you're more important than mods <3 amd burning out on something you enjoy is terrible


Thanks Alyssa! I do have to admit that when this stress is coming up, modding isn't that fun anymore. But thanks to anyone here responding to my message I do already feel more relaxed. I'm not pushing myself to work on it every single day now and this makes me feel already a lot better. :)