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I was able to fix the shadow for the fence! Now there's coming sunlight into aviaries too.
Which really looks a lot better then the big shadow. :)

I Had to make 3 separate files each with one recolor, then be sure to give them all the same Object ID so they would all spawn under one catalog thumbnail. And I also tried to keep the same order, so gray one first, then the black one and then the white recolor. But when searching for the object, the black one will appear while it's the second swatch.

Because of the merge function, you can't use the recolor tool on the fence.
What will work though is using the '+' sign to change swatches before placement.




Quick, slip Eaxis a screenshot folder of all these amazing farm/animal ideas!


I hope Eaxis won't finish their farm/animal ideas before I do, then it isn't all 'for nothing'. Though I don't think they will make these kind of aviaries. More one made out of only one object..IF they would make one.


Ik kijk er al naar uit, dan kunnen er kippen in en misschien een Sim Racerke en Olafje ;-) Ik ben van plan ons hun te maken en daar moet er uiteraard een voliére in, iets wat hier niet kan. Al je creaties zijn top, maar dit is echt wel de grootste topper :-) Voor mij persoonlijk dan.


Er kunnen zeker ook kippen in aangezien je de kooi of volière zo groot kunt maken als je zelf wil. :)