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Hello everyone, 

My holiday is over, but I'm far from fully rested as our kitten Puck has arrived!
I will share some photos later this week, as I did already made a few of course, but I think better ones can be made as she's becoming less shy every day now.
Also my aviary has arrived by the way, so I also need to decorate that one too..

As for The Sims 4, as the title already revealed, I just bought 9 stuff packs I didn't had.
As the sale made stuff packs only 4,99 now, I decided to just buy all at once as 50% on stuff packs isn't something that occurs a lot on Origin sales.  Now I'm fully up-to-date with all packs released for The Sims 4.  

I didn't know before by the way, but did you all know you can use a shopping cart on Origin when the games or dlc's are part of a sale? Former times I bought multiple packs during a sale, I bought them all one by one. But it can be made much more easier and faster if you do the following: While on the Origin Store, click on the banner of the current promotion to browse games that are on sale - hover over your desired game to see the option to add them to your cart. :) (Maybe I was the only one not knowing... 😅 )

So another big thanks to all of you supporters, who made buying these packs a bit easier too. I will probably look through all my new packs later this week. I first need to make something in my Sims game relating that 'Build-Pack' I was talking about last friday. So I can show you all what exactly can be build using different objects. Though more object might be added later too.. More news on that tomorrow probably!



Hey Bakie, wat leuk dat jullie kitten er is en wat heeft ze een leuke naam! Ik vind dat ook een hele leuke naam, want ik had vroeger een wit poedeltje Pucky :-) Overigens ook heel leuk dat je foto wilt delen, Thomas had het me al gevraagd. :-)


Ook de volière is er. Super! hopelijk mogen we dan weer leuke filmpjes zien op je andere kanaal. Ik heb alle Sims dingen, maar ben ook van plan om Thomas er een paar te geven, al mag ik hem en z'n broertje ook niet teveel verwennen. Maar ze hebben flink hun taken gedaan, dus mag het wel. Groetjes.


Eerst de voliere nog inrichten, dan pas de vogels. ;) Ik heb nu niet meer alles, want heb de Knifty Knitting niet (Geen idee hoe de Nederlandse versie heet). ;)


Foto van Puck komt er nog aan ergens deze week, misschien morgen wel. Ben wat druk geweest met allerlei dingen dus ook nog geen tijd voor de Sims helaas.