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Hello everyone!

Hope everybody is still doing alright?  Here everything is ok, apart from the fact that it's very nice weather here in Holland and I can't go outside because of some antibiotics I had to/wanted to take this weekend after being bitten by two ticks.

I know many people get ticks very often, but as I had the Lyme disease when I was 12 and all those years until now (which are quite some years) I haven't been bitten by ticks, I immediately thought about the time when I was 12 and very sick for weeks. So I wanted to get a one-time antibiotics just to make the change getting the Lyme disease again even smaller as it already is without antibiotics.

I probably got bitten while walking in the forest for nearly 2 hours on my own, trying to make some nice photos from some great spotted woodpeckers feeding their baby woodpeckers. In which I did succeed by the way. :)



Mod Info

About today's sneak peek, in the lower left corner you'll see the custom happy buff that appears while viewing the butterflies. This buff will last for 2 in-game hours before it disappears.

I made a buff icon which is quite simular to the icons of the queue thumbnail and the floor decal itself, so it's clear where it's from. Although the text makes it very clear too I guess.. 😅 

I've also worked all day trying to get a thought balloon working...and I finally did!
Only thing I still need to do is make the actual image for the thought balloon as right now it's a boxing glove 😄

So whenever I've finished that too, I will share the result with you. I think this will be tomorow  though as now I finally fixed the thought balloon it's best to shut down my computer to get new ideas for the image and a bit of rest.

I'm curious what you think about the custom buff!



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