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Hello all,

My modding plans have changed a bit as I didn't plan to make anything for upcoming friday, first of all as since the beginning of this year I don't rush mods anymore each week, but also as this friday Island Living will be released. 

But a comment on MTS changed this. Someone commented on my Unlocked Swamp Pack, which was already made back in 2015, with the question if walkhrough versions of the huge trunks in that pack would be possible. So Sims can walk underneath the bow trunk and right through the hollow trunk. Right now they walk all the way around it.

Back then I didn't know how to make that work, but now a few years (with more knowledge) later, I do know some sort of solution for that. But if I don't "update" those trunks now, I know that this person (and everyone else) would probably need to wait forever with Island Living just around the corner.

So that's why I decided to update the Swamp's Bow Trunk, Hollow Trunk but also the Old Cypress Tree this week already and try to make a video about it too as you still need some adjustments in game to make it work correctly.

Normally I don't do requests anymore, but as I thought about this myself too some time ago and definitely think more people would love these new versions, I will try to make it happen this week already! More info and screenshots will follow!



What a cool update, Bakie!