Next Project - Beach Sounds.. (Patreon)
Hello all,
In this post I want to share my idea for the next mod, but I'm totally unsure if I'm able to make the thing I have in my head.
In the Effects list not only visual effects can be found, but also a few audio effect.
Now what I want to try is to add some sort of Audio Menu interaction to a beach object, probably an unclocked seaweed object which could normally be fished out of ponds I think..
Both adding audio effect as making such an audio menu interaction is totally new for me, so I can't say for sure that I will succeed. If I do succeed though, this means I will be able to make more effects menu interactions for future object too. With such a menu, I mean that after clicking the object, you can choose between multiple different effects that can be switched on and off. So looking at the former mod, I could have made just 1 orange buoy recolor, which is able to spawn 3 different waves effect without having to switch to another orange color swatch.
Of course whenever I have more info or the news that this isn't going to work, I will let you know! ;)