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Wanted to work on the video today, to discover that after a small patch (which I thought coudn't do much wrong) all mod titles and descriptions are gone/**DEBUG**.

I hope they will fix it soon!

As the Jungle Ruins National Park is more about the lot itself though, I will continu to make screenshots and videos, but I have a feeling finishing the video before tomorrow evening isn't possible either. This isn't only because of the start of a new series and finding out how to make the video, but also as I was called this morning by my dad, that my mother went to the hospital this morning and she needs to stay there for now. 

She had an abnormally fast heart beat which she already got multiple times the last few weeks. The problem is, they don't know where it comes from, which makes me nervous too.
So, I will continu making the video despite the fact that I can't really concentrate as I just want it to be released. It takes too long.. 😖

But just so you know, if I don't upload anything tomorrow or in the weekend, you know why.



The tentative date for EA's fix for this is Friday, as they stated they didn't want to have it left undone over the weekend... so, hopefully, nothing will happen to delay this. 💕


I hope all is well with your mother. I pray she will return in good health!


I hope so, it's annoying that all mods don't have their own names anymore. It's difficult finding certain object in game now.


Thanks Tammy. She just heard she has to stay a bit longer as they found something in her blood that needed to be checked. But I guess it's better for her at the moment to stay there instead of at home as they might possibly find something eventually. Or at least I hope. ;)