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Hello all,

Not many news as I haven't got any time to work on the country flags at all the past few days. I was very busy with all kinds of things in my personal life and there fore didn't have any time to work on additional flags. Also the rest of the week there won't be a lot of time to work on the flags and a video about it.

So what I'm planning to do now is trying to fix one of my older mods and promote that one instead. I will probably take a look at the Water reeds + Dragonflies mod and try to repair the catch interaction for the people that have the Outdoor retreat EP too.

I've also already fixed another mod some time ago which I forgot to share. So will do that too.

As for the country flags, I think as there were no country flags requests from you, I will add some more from the request-list. The faster I can make all requested country flags, the faster I can work on the UN and EU flags too in a separate pack. :)


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