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I really should go to bed now, but as a new month has started and most of you are still with me: Thank you very much for the support and especially the last few weeks.

Despite the fact that I haven't released any new mods and videos the last few weeks, you still support me for the work I did I suppose. ;) And of course I'm working on the new Revamped Denizen Ponds right now and making new plans for other mods that will follow.

I do have to say that not making a mod in one single week is way better then what I did before. Not only because I have more time to add more things, but also because you as my Patrons actually have time to tell me what you think about my Work In Progress objects. The communication about that right now is much better then when I rushed the mods and videos week after week in my opinion. So the 2019 goal to take more time for each mod was a good one I think. (Also as it makes me feel less stressed, which is also quite important :P )

This doesn't mean I won't be releasing multiple mods in a month anymore by the way as next mod might be made in just one single week again, who knows!

Anyway, thanks all for the continuous support and keep telling me what you like or dislike about things I'm working on!

I hope to finally finish the ponds next week and it would even be better if I could also make the video too! But first: Sleep! 💤



Thank you for the this, Bakie & go get some sleep!