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Where I tried to make the former recolors to look a bit old and mossy, for this one I had the idea to make the pond to look more fresh. This means, giving the ferns a brighter, fresher color as well as the lilypads. I also made 2 new different color versions for the flowers. To finish the fresh feeling, I've made 4 different water recolors.  Two of them are with a transparancy of 80% and the other two are with a transparency of 50% where the fishes if placed in the pond are far better visible.

My question to you would be, Do you like both the 80% as 50% transparency water recolors?
In my opinion, the 80% looks great without fish and the 50% should be used if you want to have fish in them.
Would like to hear your opinion on that!




lol, Bakie - ALL of them!!! They each have great potential for a variety of builds and I like them - every one!


Thank you all for your opinions! Going to leave it this way then. More info on the next 4 recolors I'm making will follow tomorrow. :)