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As the title already said: Happy New Year everybody!
Just as last year, I want to set some goals for this year that I will be trying to reach.
(After I have fully moved to my new home that is)

But before setting the goals for 2019, let's take a look at the many goals I had for last year and which one of those I've reached.

GOALS 2018:

1. Open a twitter account!  ✔️
2. Starting New YouTube Series called Bakie's Builds  ❌  
I'm going to repeat this one for this year and I have the feeling that this year I WILL reach it.
3. Continu with the Sims 4 Effect Player Series   ✔️ / ❌
I did add one single video to this series, the one with the dolphins and whales, but no other has been uploaded since... I think the biggest reason that this series has kind of stopped is because I made most effects into useable objects, which makes using the Effect Player less needed. I don't think this series will totally stop though as there're still a lot of effects to show and not all can be made into useable objects. I hope to make a few new ones this year.
4. New Tutorials  ❌
No new tutorials made in 2018. This is always a good goal for this year too ;)
5. Learn to mesh  ❌
No plans anymore as it cost a lot of time and looking back at last year I don't really need to know how to mesh to create cool mods.
6. Mod Fixes  ✔️
Did at least 38 mod fixes, so I would say that goal is reached. Still some that need some small fixes though, so let's repeat this one for 2019 too.
7. Discord on Patreon  ❌
I didn't add discord to my Patreon last year, but I did made some other important changes for my Patrons which are far more important I think.

So looking back at 2018 I did reach some of the goals, so that's a good thing.
I do think I had too many goals last year, so this year it will be a bit less:

GOALS 2019:

1. Starting New YouTube Series called Bakie's Builds (or something simular)
I'm going to need your help for this one, but we will make this happen!

2. Continu with the Sims 4 Effect Player Series
Let's just make this happen too, already a small idea for one which can work together with a new mod which is in my mind for some months now..

3. New Tutorials
Could also be an in-game tutorial about making custom natural ponds, water streams and caves or something like that.

4. Mod Fixes
There're still some mods that need to be fixed, but which I can't fix right now because of something in Studio that needs to be fixed/looked at.

Maybe the most important goal for this year:

Not pushing myself to make a mod or video each week, If I also take time for other things I love to do, this might even make my mods better or more creative as I will feel more relaxed. :)



Happy New Year, to you and your new house! What a great list to write out goals and wanted achievements. Here's to a positive start and continuation!


Happy New Year, Bakie! Definitely a positive list :D