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Hi everybody!

A new week, so new info on a new mod!
Besides the Crystal Rocks in Forgotten Grotto, there are some other Crystal Rocks which could be found or earned if you travel to space. Only then they're called space rocks, but I like my name Crystal Rocks better, so I will keep it that way. 😋 

One of these rocks is the " Unnaturally Large Space Rock ". This is the only one that can be seen as a natural rock too and is just as the name suggest, a big bigger then the Crystal Rocks I made last week.

So for this week I will work on the "Huge Crystal Rocks" which will come in 2 versions.
One where your Sims will walk around and one where they will walk/swim straight through.
That last version can be used to walk/swim underneath it or to swim over it when used inside of your pools.

As the shape of this rock is some what round-ish, you can use it on terrain, walls and ceiling when using the MOO cheat.

Just as the Crystal Rocks from last week it will also have all 3 recolors, glow and sound.
The glow will be shining upwards and downwards for if you use them as ceiling rocks.

More info and sneak peeks will be shared later this week!



Oh, yay! More crystals!!! <3