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Three months ago I shared the following message with you all:
"Just a small news fact. I just saw on my YouTube channel that I've reached 2600 subscribers and almost 400K total views. Probably the latter will be achieved this month too.

As it looks like the subscribers count is growing harder then last year, I suspect that I will reach 3000 subs within this year too."

Goal achived!  😎 

So I've got 3027 Subscribers now! I did think I would reach 3K subs this year, but not now already. So what the new goal for the end of this year now? 3500 maybe?

I definitely need more subscribers now if I want to be able to join the YouTube Partner program again, so keep on sharing/retweeting/reblogging my videos if you like what you see. ;)

Another thing I thought about when the YouTube Partner thingy stops, is that I won't be able to make thumbnails for my videos anymore..   :(
Or at least not the thumbnails you see when looking at the proposed videos on YouTube or on your YouTube homepage. So that's a bit of a bummer too.

So let's work on becoming a YouTube Partner again! ;)




You are just reaching so many awesome milestones! Yay!!! :D