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Hi all!

As the title already says, I'm having a serious creativity block today.
I can't really work on any mod right now, nothing really "works" and when trying to make something in game on a lot all looks like crap too.

So for this week's mod I can't really say anything as I have no idea what to work on. I think I'm not going to try to do anything about it either for the rest of the day as it doesn't make me happy today for some reason.

I have a lot on my mind in my personal life right now. Good things, but also things that take a lot of my energy right now. Most of the time modding relaxes me, but not today. :(

Hope to feel better tomorrow and being able to share new things with you all!



Take your time (see, the Koi idea came!) because you are awesome and rl truly does happen :D