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Hi everyone, 

I have a bit of a busy week outside of The Sims, which gives me less time to upload some Sneak peeks for you all.

Also, I just finished my voice-over for this week, which costed me like one hour for 4 minutes voice-over... In other words, it didn't went the way it should and that made me a bit angry. But now I'm relaxed again.. :P

In the screenshot above this text you see that I re-build a Jungle looking area. This time I DID save it, so I can use it again for my other Jungle Animal mods that will be released in the upcoming weeks. Should make the time making those videos a lot shorter I hope.

I will be starting to edit my video for Friday in a couple of minutes and maybe also work on it tomorrow. So a Sneak Peek video of this week's mod won't be here probably until tomorrow.

I'm curious what you think about my Jungle lot!




I really appreciate how diligent you are with your videos - I've some catching up with watching them to do - but I will get there as I truly enjoy them <3


Thank you very much Suzanne! I really love to make those video so that makes it easier. Although I had some trouble with this week's video while editing. But that's fixed now luckely.


I resemble that entire mental image, LOL! Sometimes, things just don't come together smoothly. I'm glad it came together <3