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Hello all!

First of all a very happy new year to you all! I hope you all had a great night. ;)

As many people I also have some goals for this year that I hope to reach.
Some are a bit easier then others, but we will see how fast I can complete at least some of them, but better would be all of them of course.

1. Open a twitter account!
Although this is probably something that can be done in 3 minutes time, I want to do this right and know as much as possible about how to work with it in the most effecient way.
... Yes I'm one of those people that barely knows anything about it...

2. Starting New YouTube Series called Bakie's Builds
This is something not only I wanted to do for a long time, but also more and more people are asking me about. For example the Red Pandas lot I made is something more people want to have in their game. Also other scenes/lots I made for mod showcases are asked about a lot.
Besides all of this, I think it's good to actually start building some more in The Sims and using my own mods for it too, instead of only just making the mods but not taking the time to use them.

3. Continu with the Sims 4 Effect Player Series
It's quite shameful that my last episode was made in october 2016, but I still keep saying in my outros "subscribe for more Effect Player episodes".
That last epsiode was about Koi Fish effects and I said back then that the next episode will be about all kinds of fish. Now the next episode is not going to be about that, as I found something FAR more interesting. But after that the "all fish"episode definitely will come sometime.
I hope to be able to make the next episode for next week, but I'm not sure if it's do-able.

4. New Tutorials
Don't know when or what exactly, but there will be more tutorials coming in 2018.

5. Learn to mesh
This is something that can't be learned in just one year, but I can make a start with it. Being able to make my own meshes would make the modding possibilities endless.

6. Mod Fixes
Recently I discovered that some of my mods aren't working for the full 100%. My Water reeds + Dragonflies mod for example, still shows the dragonflies, but you can't catch them anymore due to changes in the tuning since the latest Expansion Pack. That same counts for all "View interactions" on multiple mods. Now this isn't that big of a problem as most people don't even use those probably, but it doesn't work and I don't like that.

?? 7. Discord on Patreon  ??
My last goal maybe is to activate a Discord channel for some of my Patrons, but still not totally sure about it as I won't be that much online myself maybe. Or IF I'm online, the other half of the world is asleep..
What do you think about that?

Soooo, those were my goals for 2018. Do you have any and what do you think about mine? Leave it in the comments!


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