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Just something I want to share because I think it's great:
I've almost reached 2K subscribers on YouTube!!!

2K YouTube sub
At this moment it's 1998 and as each day at least 1 and most of the time even more people subscribe to my channel, I will reach the 2000 subscribers in the same year as that I reached the 1000 subscribers, which costed me almost 2 years!

Although I made some sort of  "Special" after reaching the 1K subscribers in the beginning of this year, I won't do this for the 2K subscribers.
I will probably mention it here, on Tumblr and in one of my new videos, but other then that nothing "Special" will happen. I hope to reach the 3K subscribers even faster and that the grow will continu in the years to come.

I also hope some more patrons will arrive, but maybe I also need more YT subs for that as well. I'm very happy that you decided to support me, but maybe I already mentioned this to often.. ;)

Internet was down
Anyway, I'm going to try to do something for next week now as both yesterday and today my internet and television were gone... not the television it self, but the signal. A rat caused an electrical breakdown in the neighbourhood. It was found completely, I think it's called "carbonized" in a electricity box after people saw a 4 metres high burst of flame rising out of an electricity box somewhere in the neighbourhood.
Must have smelled like roasted rat there I suppose...
Anyway, back to work!


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