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Hello dear patrons!

Like mentioned in my yesterday's post, I want to have your opinion on this new interaction queue icon I made.

First of all, it's important to tell you a bit more about this upcoming mod.
Just like my former Water Reeds mod, this one will also have an effect added to it. Yesterday you could already read that this will be a dragonfly effect. To be more precisely, it's a flying dragonfly effect.

So with this in mind I was thinking about the "catching insects" interactions you get with the Outdoor Retreat expansion pack. I thought that it would be cool if I could add this interaction to my mod too! So after a lot of trial and error (like always) I succeeded in this. One of the things I hated about this interaction though, is the fact that no matter which insect you're trying to catch, it always shows a beetle in the interaction queue and in the text that pops-up after you caught it. So I thought, let's make this into something different. Something more suitable.

And this is exactly the thing where I need your opinion on. First I thought about adding some sort of  butterfly net, but as Sims catch animals with their hands in doesn't make any sense.. So that's why I replaced it with these hands with a dragonfly in it. 

The hands icon itself is already part of the game, so it matches the overall graphics of the game really nice, I only added the dragonfly myself.

 What do you think about this? Looking good enough? :)




I think the hands with the draginfly


*dragonfly is perfect. Dang auto correct :)