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Hello again!

A new week, new ideas and of course a new mod!
For a few of my upcoming mods, I will use one and the same object with some different effects added for each one.

The reason for this is because I have some ideas for effects that would perfectly fit in a pond. By using one and the same object, you could place each object at the same spot (using cheats), while each of them spawns a different effect, giving your pond a bit of realism... or life...

I will upload a sneak peek screenshot tomorrow for the Tier 3 supporters, so they can already see what effect will be added to the first mod in this "series".

I will probably try to make some other mods in between, as looking at the same object each week could be boring maybe, but maybe you think otherwise!



As a pond owner I like this a lot :)


Did you see the ducks with ducklings on the little lake in rural Windenburg? Soo cute.


Yes I'm fully aware of multiple duck effects that can be used and I can already confirm that this first object will have 3 white ducks and probably one of the next objects will have the ducklings. Also depends a bit on the fact if they are an infinite effect or need to be triggered each single time. ;)