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Tits and Prilly are finally coming back!!!
Going to focus way more on comics and fun stuff fleshing out their universe going forward. There will also be some small changes to certain patreon tiers coming up, so stay tuned~



Fen Longpaw

The crew will always bring a smile to my muzzle. Though that usually can be said of most of your work if I'm honest dear x3

Fen Longpaw

Related: ever thought of making another Wallpaper Engine entry?

Kaeli Cedarfallen

Now we just need a character with an ass and thighs to proportionally rival Tits and Tetas' racks~!


I had a few ideas for new ones, and the last one I did was a lot of fun to figure out, but the demand seems kinda low? Maybe I'll do a poll one of these days to see if people are still interested :o

Fen Longpaw

I do think part of it is that there's a barrier to entry, it's not particularly easy to advertise that you made one, and it's really difficult to have it organically discovered (to my knowledge there's no feature in the program for a "a creator you follow just published a new wallpaper!" Or something as a notification, since when it's doing its job, it's literally in the background). I think as a result it's one of those passion projects that you have to just make if you want to, and the people who will like it will find it over time. "If you build it, they will come."

Kaeli Cedarfallen

Alcremie, solely for 'cake' puns? Or Snorlax, Snorlax girls are hot and never get enough love. Or Steenee/Tsareena cuz they've already got massive thighs going on!


100% agree. I mainly made the last one just for myself, and put it up for download as an afterthought. But it was a great exercise learning new software and challenging myself like that. And the few people who did download it liked it too. So I'll brainstorm a bit more on it ^^

Fen Longpaw

Well, count me as one of the furs who downloaded, and liked it. To that end I for one would avidly download any and all that you might put up, and probably make a playlist of them all to randomly switch on the hour

Fen Longpaw

An interesting idea if you're the one who did the audio mixing for it might also be to add individual toggles for audio elements if possible. Like being able to turn off and on the waves and sea birds separate (or maybe even adjust the balance) if the capacity to do so is in WE