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Something I realized that's been holding me back a lot: is that I don't do enough personal work. Stuff that's not for clients, but just for myself or friends. I'm super lucky have a lot of amazing commissioners, but I think the imbalance between art that I make for me, and art that I'm paid to make for others, has been more pronounced recently. And its definitely been affecting my output and outlook on art.

So I made a small effort to focus on pressure-free art this month during any down time I had.

I even did some traditional pencil and ink artwork, which I am VERY out of practice with. But it's how I started drawing, and the nostalgia factor is great at making drawing feel brand new again.
It brings back memories of running home after school with a fresh stack of paper I stole from my mom's classroom printer, a godawful 'how to draw manga' book from the book-fair, and a G-2 pilot pen, so I could sit at my desk and draw up characters and stories for endless hours.
...I was either doing that, or looking at early 2000s furry porn sites with my unrestricted dial up internet connection on my dad's old windows 98 pc... >>

I also got around to doing some painting I've been putting off!
The Kyrstal 3Dprint is by Chunkerbuns over on twitter:
You can buy the model on their gumroad I think~
I printed it on my Anycubic Photon S printer, which is a bit out of date now. One of these days I'm going to learn 3D software better, so I can justify upgrading it to one of the fancy new 8K printers I've been drooling over @v@'
I'm not 100% satisfied with all the details with this paint job, but I'm proud of myself for finally finishing it! (she's been sitting on my desk primed for what seems like 4 years now...)

And the lil space marine is my first attempt at painting a Warhammer mini. Lots of stuff was learned about paint, thinning, coverage, priming, airbrushing, highlighting, undercoating, and so much more during these processes!
I'm not very good at this yet, but something about painting models gets me excited to learn even more!

I've got an unpainted NSFW succubus-demon-schoolgirl garage-kit figure that I'm gunna try painting next. If that turns out well, maybe I'll post the step by step process here too!




Tbh, I've actually kinda been having a similar epiphany myself. I haven't written anything in a while because I kinda burnt out, but I've finally been dipping back into it the past couple weeks It's slow-going still, but it's really, *really* nice to just lean back and type stuff out without putting pressure on myself to do this much or be done by this day or whatever - I'm glad you're doing the same thing, it sounds like it's been good for you! :3


Bruhhhh that Krystal looks amazing! The paint job looks so soft and smooth, did you use your airbrush on that? Making me want to invest in one. : U Also nice Primaris Lieutenant. I gotta button down and learn how to edge armor panels nicely like you can. And maybe add some nice scratches and wear, too. I haven't figured out how to do that. xD


AAAAA thanks HG! Yeah i picked up a mid-range airbrush a few years ago, and haven't really taken it out of the box much since then. It definitely gives cool results, but ngl, it took a lot of trail and error to figure things out with it @@ Edge highlighting was SO difficult! Im pretty happy with this guy, but some of the painters on youtube get wayyyyy thinner line results than what I can do right now. #artgoals


Yeah i feel that. Sometimes you just need to find a way to create and let the art flow without any pressure, whether it's from yourself or others. @@