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Since we don't get any ACTUAL ELECTION RESULTS, we can at least find out who won in the Tits vs Prilly poll!
Total votes:
Tits: 175
Prilly: 166
Dani: 16
Amy: 6

Honestly I was amazed at how close Tits and Prilly remained the entire race. I guess you guys have as much trouble picking a favorite as I do ^^

Hope you guys liked this story arc, should I do more story focused comics like this? I had a lot of fun planning and drawing these out, so I'd like to. If you guys liked it that is :o




lmfao that kanye comment aged like milk


I loved these. So I wouldnt mind more focused comics.

Jeri Tyler

I demand a recount! Dani should have won! I'm calling fraud!


Hahaha, my favorite girl nearly won. Just a few more vote plus one more and she'd be winner.


Amy for the win, don't know for what but she wins the award!

Kaeli Cedarfallen

Tits what the absolute hell lmao Also, I definitely say do more story stuff, its funnnnn

Zach Solis

Will there be a sex scene with tits again?