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Personal art!  These are the 3 pics I would show my therapist first if I had one /w\




Time to put some of those College Psychology Courses to work. First: I see a deep longing for something you've never had. Something you wish to experience but feel you will fall deep into the endless pleasures it could bring you. This can be a representation of the desires you have as a person who explores the various means of sexual enjoyments and pleasures, and yet limited by the physical confines of reality. Second: I see a sense of hardship, of fatigue and anticipation. Something is coming, or something has come that only seeks to drive you further and further into exhaustion. This can represent the exhausted mind, one that goes through the same levels of stress and overwork over and over until it finally breaks or drops. Third: I see a fear of what hounds and haunts you. The smile is familiar, the glare is piercing, but it is there only to harm and so you fear it. This would be a representation of an expectation or condition you have to meet but feel you cannot reach it in the manner you are in.


Okay that was fuckin amazing and spot on, you're hired dude.