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I promise I haven't forgotten about all the sketch rewards from last year! And I'm still planning on getting all of them done, but things have consistently been getting in the way since then.
And speaking of things getting in the way, I'll be moving to another state later this month in order to be closer to my grandparents so I can help them take care of their house for a while. Things might slow down around then, but I've still got a lot planned for you guys before we leave. <3
As for the sketches, I have a list of all the owed art, and I'll do my best to work on them before the move, but the majority of them will need to be finished after we get there and I set up my computer. If you have owed sketches and want to know how long you can expect before they're finished, or send me updated refs/ideas please message me here, or on Fa!



Take care mate, settle down and have a good move


Good luck Lyzer! :3