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Somehow, it's been six months since I last published a character sheets release. In that time I've accumulated a great many little improvements, including:

  • New "Pages" button to quickly navigate round.

  • Fix for editable multi-line fields in Firefox.

  • Merged the Action and Focus Actions; rearranged the Focus and Shield sections; and moved the Weapon Specialisation to the Level Up page.

  • Fixed calculations for Armour Check Penalty when wearing armour with a strength rating.

  • Completely new Wild Shape page.

  • Improvements to the Cleric's Divine Font.

  • Fixes for the Eidolon page.

  • Filled in granted spells and cantrips for Sorcerer Bloodlines.

  • Making sure all the fields in the Spellbook are properly editable and don't cross over.

  • Fix the calculations on Swashbuckler's Precise Stike.

  • Fixed to the Kingmaker Kingdom sheet -- thanks to christof337.

  • ...and countless typos and other fixes.

With this release done, I can finally turn my full attention to the Remaster.



Nice job! Keep it up! ⛏️