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So after careful deliberation, I've decided to go ahead with starting a monthly poll. Here's how I will do it. Starting on the 15th of every month, I will create a post titled with the month and Character Poll Suggestions. 

How this will work is each patron may suggest a character and a scenario. 

Example: I want my character from this anime with a huge tum resting on a table.  

I will give everyone 2 days after the post is created to get in their suggestions. I will pick 3 of the suggestions and put them into a poll for everyone to vote on.  The poll will last another 2 days, after which I will begin drawing the winning character. Since I don't have 100+ patrons at the time of making this change, I will probably be picky with suggestions, so I'm sorry if your character doesn't somehow end up getting in the poll. If the patreon grows, I will change how I do the poll.

I will also update the 5 dollar tier to reflect the new monthly poll. Thank you again for pledging. 


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