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This was the best Christmas gift 🫶 thank you Todd!


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!


Warm and cozy.

Just your average gal

Ultimate cosy, comforting, sleepy vibes. Thank you and Merry Christmas 🎄💕



Emily J

I never comment but I gotta say I love listening to the way you tell stories. I’ve never had an issue with your usual one-shot style, but you are definitely hitting your stride with this whole series thing. There’s something about having all the context from past audios that just hits different, and it’s really cool listening to all the little snap shots of this relationship as it develops over time. Of all the Christmas presents I was expecting, a sfw edition of soft spot was not on the list and damn was that a pleasant surprise. My face when I saw the tags was something like this: 😮 This is probably one of my favorite audios you’ve ever done because your performance is just phenomenal. You really pulled out all the stops for this one. Well done! Thank you daddy 🥰


Here I (a fool) thought that Conditioner™️ was going to forever have top billing in my mela/sero-tonin playlist, but ladies and gentlemen WE HAVE A NEW BEAUTIFUL CONTENDER 🥳 I adore seeing the progression of the Soft Spot relationship, so this was no exception. The cozy intimacy levels are an absolute art form 🤌 The inclusion of the stuffies in the cuddle puddle- sir- my. HEART. The lo-fi and whispery [Daddy Whispers] are the cherries on this cozy, sexy sundae. Not the "Angel" sending me into orbit 😩. I was unprepared 🥹 how very dare you Tldr : I'm over the moon. This felt incredibly soft, and safe. Christmas Todd is great, I'm a snowman enjoyer now⛄, everything is fantastic. Thank You, Good Daddy, Merry Christmas, etc.

lollygasmren (ur local he-they audio slut)

todd, this was a great audio to release for the holidays. its impossibly fluffy + cute. i dont understand how you release bangers with every post, but you rlly do, no matter what the subject or idea. you pulled off this funny and sweet bf character so well, + the lofi fit the vibes of this audio perfectly. this made me feel so soft nd cozy, + it helped me fall asleep too. i hope you had a wonderful holiday season w/ lots of pretty snow (but not the kind tht ruins the roads ofc lol) and presents, + a wonderful year overall. cant wait to see what you bring to 2023 <3 ps: im totally calling my plushie collection my "soldiers" from now on, tht is such an adorable idea. ~ ren


The way in which the "angel" melted me bYE